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What's the difference between Daytime & Nighttime tickets?
Daytime allows you to enjoy everything except Trail of Lights & Terror in the Corn (trademarked event).
Nighttime ticket means All Access! You can enjoy everything available at our Fall Festival.
At Swank Farms Fall Festival, what do you mean by Weekend?
We mean Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. This year, we are open on all four Weekends of October from 10 am - 10 pm.
What time do Nighttime attractions start?
​Typically, after Sundown every weekend in October 2024 (Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays)
What is the timing of Fall Festival?
In 2024, Fall Festival opens on October 4 at 10 am and runs through the Halloween Day - October 31 till 10 pm.
We are typically open from 10am-6pm on every weekday and 10am-10pm on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
However, we have a couple of closed days during initial weekdays. Request you to please view the Calendar Online for all open hours.
I bought the Nighttime tickets, Can we come Daytime on a particular day and come for Nighttime in another day?
Sorry you can't! However, on the same day, you can enjoy Daytime and go back and come back again the same night for Nighttime experience. Please make sure that you retain the tag provided at the time of initial ticket entry/scan.
Do the kids Enter free in the Fall Festival?
Kids under 2 are our guests and they enter free. But kids above 2 have to have tickets!
Can we bring our pets?
Absolutely yes! Pets are always our guests and they enter without tickets! However it's advisable to keep them on leash so that they are safe along with our other guests.
Be it Daytime or Nighttime, what our tickets don't include?
Food & Beverage, shopping, Game zone etc are not included in your ticket unless specified before. For example, We are running some special offers like Free Pumpkin in First Weekend or Salsa Contest in Second Weekend. These services/attractions come free with your tickets, if you are visiting those particular Weekends, as specified. Please follow our Social Media (Facebook and Instagram) for weekend-based offers.
Do you have any special offer on Group Bookings?
If you are a group of 25 or more, please contact our office at 831-637-4704 or write to or You will be given special offers.
I don't want to experience the Fall Festival, but I want to buy some pumpkins. Do I have any option?
Yes, of course! You can access our Pumpkin Buying area, which is located outside the Farm close to the Ticket Booth, without any ticket! You will have to pay for the Pumpkins snd you will not be entitled to avail any "free Pumpkin" offer, if applicable.
Can we bring our Food or Beverage to the Festival?
Sorry you can't, as per the laws in State of California. We have a wide range of food and alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages. You can buy them.
In case we meet any accident, what do you cover for our safety?
Please enter at your own risk. Swank Experience LLC or any of its subsidiary don't and won't take any responsibility for your safety or health hazards. Some of our attractions are extreme and we insist that you see potential risks before participating.
How much do you charge for Parking?
There's no Parking charge at Swank Farms, it's free! It's a first come first serve basis. This year for 2024, we are doubling the Parking Space!